how to stop hair loss
hair loss

How do I stop my hair from falling out?

How to prevent hair loss and recover hair from a bout of shedding Hi, my name is Laura Tudor and I founded CENTRED along with my husband, award winning hair stylist Kieran Tudor, after experiencing...
Rosemary oil for hair growth
androgenic alopecia

Does Rosemary oil actually help hair growth?

Wondering if all the Rosemary Oil for hair growth hype is worth it? Well you're in the right place. This article breaks down the most important things to note about using Rosemary for you hair as w...
Can sugar cause hair loss?
hair loss

Sugar and Hair Loss: Unraveling the Sweet Connection

Sugar and hair loss: What's the link? Hair loss is an increasingly more common concern that affects people of all ages and genders. While genetics, hormonal imbalances, and lifestyle factors play s...
Cortisol and thinning hair, what's the link?
hair loss

Cortisol and thinning hair, what's the link?

Cortisol AKA the stress hormone. Did you know that cortisol has been linked to hair loss? Read this article to understand the mechanism of Cortisol and hair loss and what you can do about it.
Hormonal changes and your hair growth cycle

Hormonal Changes and Your Hair Growth Cycle

You’ve heard about how stress, having an unbalanced diet and cosmetic hair products can affect your hair growth cycle. Paired with this, you’ve learned ways to combat the adverse effects they can h...
What does stress do to our hair? Spot the signs

What does stress do to our hair? Spot the signs

If you’re spotting more hair loss than usual on your hair brush or inside the shower, You have probably heard about how stress affects your hair and body numerous times online. But, what’s the truth?
Your Complete Guide to Hair Loss
hair growth

Your Complete Guide to Hair Loss

You’re here because you’ve started to notice the nest of hair in your palms after washing your hair. Or you’re here because you’ve tried a gazillion different products, treatments and all those bon...
Supplements - When will I notice a difference?

Supplements - When will I notice a difference?

Your hair is often one of the first markers to something being a little off centre and can be a sign for your body saying that it needs to slow down. "Your hair is the last part of your body to rec...
How can mindfulness help my hair?
calm mind

How can mindfulness help my hair?

Hi there, It's Kieran from CENTRED here. This article is all about Mindfulness. What is it, how do you do it, does it really work.. all the questions you might have, as I did too, are answered at ...