The link between stress and scalp issues
anti inflammatory

The link between stress and scalp issues

Racing heart, sleepless nights, digestion troubles… these are the internal effects of stress. 
7 tips for maximising hair growth
7 tips for hair growth

7 tips for maximising hair growth

In this blog we explain how to maximise your hair's growth cycle and show you how we can help you achieve your healthiest hair naturally. Growing long healthy hair is all about keeping your hair i...
How to detox your hair in isolation
break free from negative thinking

How to detox your hair in isolation

So we’re in isolation, well most of us are anyway! In this blog post I discuss why now is the ideal time to give your hair a break. Read on to find out how to detox your hair in isolation. 
Hair care for a vegan lifestyle

Hair care for a Vegan lifestyle

There’s evidence to suggest that adopting a plant based diet could contribute towards hair loss. The main reason for this is a depletion of certain nutrients that may be lacking in diet.