The Root Of It™ Blog
4 ways to be happy
Happiness chemicals & how to hack them
I think it's fair to say that we would all like to be more happy. Whilst we can agree on that, I'm sure we can also all agree that happiness is fleeting and something that comes and goes.
can stress affect my hair.
How to avoid an itchy scalp
I have suffered in the past with scalp irritation my self, caused predominantly by using harsh shampoos full of sulphates and the fact that I wear styling product in my hair.
How to stop hair breakage
Hair breakage is very common but there may be some top tips to help you recover your hair and avoid it from becoming damaged in the first place, as we always say, "prevention is better than cure'!
be kind
7 ways to improve your mental health
This week is mental health awareness week and there really is no better time than the present to become more PRESENT. To be mentally healthy is more than just Not being Mentally unwell.
break free from negative thinking
How to detox your hair in isolation
So we’re in isolation, well most of us are anyway! In this blog post I discuss why now is the ideal time to give your hair a break. Read on to find out how to detox your hair in isolation.
break free from negative thinking
A guide for improving wellness
There's a lot of talk about positivity and how staying positive is important so in this blog I want to explore why, exactly, it is important for our health that we try to remain positive. Especiall...
can stress affect my hair.
Let's talk about STRESS, Baby.
Studies have shown that long-term stress can lead to hair loss. People of all ages suffer with hair loss and thinning hair including a growing number of younger people.